"The views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely of the author. They are not necessarily representative of the views of Mission Year or partners associated with Mission Year."


August 31,2012- July 2013 I will be serving with a program called Mission year. Mission year is an urban ministry program focused on Christian service and discipleship. I will be living and working with a team of people in Houston, TX to serve and create community through the avenue of the arts. The majority of my time I will be serving at St. John's Church in downtown Houston. The program is committed to the command of Jesus to “love God and love people,” by placing the needs of our neighbors first and developing committed disciples of Christ with a heart for the poor. The day by day schedule includes intentional community, professional service, discipleship, neighborhood outreach, church partnership, and education/training. (for more info check out the links on the sidebar)

Pray: for a heart to love God and love people.
Home: 2611 Tierwester Street Houston,TX 77004
Contact: cynthia.javaras@gmail.com

Saturday, December 29, 2012

JOY bucket.

    In a "joyful" time of year it is easy to get caught up in the idea of buying something and then receiving joy, or traveling somewhere and then receiving joy, or even being something and receiving joy.
Recently, I have heard myself be described as a "joy bucket."Although it is tempting to automatically assume that I somehow can bring joy by my own power and strength, I cannot deny the truth. The truth is that the ultimate source of joy is not in a thing but rather a person, Jesus.
nothing or no one else is able to faithfully fill up my "joy bucket"
joy is sustainable, it does not fade as an optimistic saying does, or pretend to be happy. Joy is simply recognizing who the true source of joy is!